I simply must lead off the body of this post by bragging on my wife. She and her Media II class at Central High School--which puts out the bi-weekly news program Central Intelligence--found out this week that they were a Pacemaker Award finalist for the second consecutive year (the Pacemaker is the high school equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize, Nichole says), this time for a story on a three-years-married couple that is dealing with the effects of serial deployment to Iraq (for him) and multilple children (for her). These two are only 20 or so, and are Central High School graduates. I make a point to watch my wife's classes' work... sometimes she even asks my advice. I wish I had the time and energy--and let's face it, cumulative talent--at GO Magazine to put out work half as good as these kids do. I really couldn't be more proud of her (and them).
Now for Vegas. What can I say? The size and excess of the place overwhelmed me. Yo

Finally, I have to give a HUH-YOOGE thank you to all of the people who helped me get very near my fundraising goal for the marathon (I'm pretty much there... though you could still be the one who puts me over the top by clicking and donating here.) A number of generous friends (Nath, as one of my three regular readers, I'm cyber-looking at you) and business acquaintances who donated silent auction items (Jeff Jenkins and the Skinny Improv, Randy Bacon, Meghan Chambers and Staxx Apparel, Paul Sundy and Big Whiskey's and my always-awesome sister-in-law, Courtney Schindele and Salon Truth), not to mention my overtly supportive parents (love 'ya mama!) helped me raise almost $2,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Way to go! Now all I have to do is finish the marathon!
Other than a more-than-brutal work schedule the last several weeks, there's not too much else interesting to report. Tomorrow's 18 miles will go a long way toward determining just how ready I am for my October 20 marathon. I'm sure the light (ULTRA light, if you believe the bottle) beer I'm drinking doesn't help, but it's Friday, and I'm alive.